Anyway. It's been a month since I went through my email updates, and this batch only covers about a week's worth, but I gotta get back to Fallout 4. I mean, if I don't save the wasteland, then who will?
Let's start with a bloc of cool new female fronted rock'n'roll.
Four song grindcore EP that's like 4 and a half minutes long from Tours, France:
London's La Vida Es Un Mus Discos has re-issued this great kbd punk album from Barcelona's Ultimo Resorte. The band was active from '79 to '84, but this was originally released in 2009. I dunno if it's a best of, or what, but it's really rad:
I heart Canada's Hag Face:
CNQ's favorite Manx alt-rockers Postcode have a new 5 track live album, recorded for Internet radio station Dandelion Radio:
Found these awesome punk tracks courtesy the Sorry State Records update:
From Oakland, CA. 7" available on their bandcamp page:
From London:
From North Carolina:
From Brooklyn:
From Portland's Resurrection Records, I'm not sure where the band is from. Cool fuzzy garage rock:
More rock'n'roll from Resurrection Records:
New hip-hop from Detroit:
Finnish no-wavey noise rock. From a full length album that's very Beefheartian:
CNQ's favorite Japanese lo-fi pop artiste, Boys Age, has a new 13 track album, available for dl or on cassette:
From Toronto, this is from a really rockin' 6 song EP:
Ramones-esque rock'n'roll from Costa Rica:
Heck yeh, from Sweden:
A funky/dance-able ditty from Glasgow to round out the set:
More later. Stay strong, remain vigilant, and don't let assholes spoil your party!