A little under an hour of new and newish rock'n'roll from Bandcamp, plus a Faith No More classic.
Pale Kids: “The Binder’s Chills” (Holy Mess, Frux Tapes, 2017)
Jesus Chris + The Beetles: “Let’s Make The World A Better Place” (Trickle Down, 2017)
Thin Skin: “Burgers & Thighs” (TS/FN <3, Pecan Crazy Records, 2016)
Mala Leche: “Risas Rabiosas” (Demo, 2016)
Violence Creeps: “Back And To The Left” (The Gift of Music, Total Punk Records, 2016)
Total Abuse: “Chew On The Cage” (excluded, Deranged Records, 2016)
Supersonic Piss: “Go Home Dad, You’re Drunk Pt. 2” (S/T, Rotted Tooth Records, 2011)
Faith No More: “Everything’s Ruined” (Angel Dust, Slash/Reprise Records, 1992)