CNQ favorite Martin Månsson Sjöstrand put a 16:47 digital release out on March 31 called Arkivkollage 1 for pay what thou will. It's a whirlwind of a collage through snippets of lo-fi alt-rock, psych, and surf sounds, I assume, based on the name, from Martin's archive of unreleased tracks. My frame of reference for this is that GBV collage of song snippets towards the end of either Propeller or Vampire on Titus, I forget which. At any rate, this is awesome, and you should pay money for it. Sjöstrand is a supreme rock'n'roll talent.
NY three piece Palberta is going to be on Bandcamp Live on May 7, and to tell you the truth I didn't even know Bandcamp Live was a thing. But very cool that it is. Palberta will be playing every song from their new album, Palberta5000, and a guy called Sunk Heaven will be playing too.
Tickets for that event are available here. Meanwhile, you can listen to and get the new album on digital, CD, or vinyl.
Highly recommended, here's the first track off of Palberta5000:
Sunk Heaven is electro-noise from Brooklyn:
This 9 song, self-titled digital release from Brazil's Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda de Tempo is so, so good. You owe it to yourself to sit back and enjoy the whole album:
Dutch singer/songwriter Rick Treffers has a great new single, "Time Is Really Running Out":