Gasp is solid Swedish three piece punk. They've released a new single, "Least Expected," which is rad. Here's that, as well as the video for their previous single, "Dragging Through Mud." Also rad:
The Bordellos have a new double A-side due out on Metal Postcard Records, "Be My Maybe" and "David Bowie," and it's getting difficult for me to think critically about a Bordellos track, I just think they're the coolest no matter what. Dan's baritone vox (see also: Vukovar, Beauty Stab) is always in fashion, and his pop Brian knows how to write earworms. They are truly my 21st century heroes. While you wait for "Be My Maybe" and "David Bowie," here's their most recent double A-side from Metal Postcard, in case you missed it:
Also from Metal Postcard, I managed to miss this: weirdo pop duo The Conspiracy, with an 18 song album called Apple Zapple. Check out the title track, killer diller:
France's The Chris Rolling Squad released their second album back in April, Cannonball Holocaust, available streaming on Bandcamp or on vinyl. Motörhead-inspired rock'n'roll for sure:
New Jersey's Last Wars have a bitchin' new single, a cover of Flipper's "Get Away." Lo-fi moog-punk excellence:
Alabama's Adam Holtz has a "new" track up on Youtube -- it's actually a 20 year old recording, originally done on a 4 track analog tape porta-studio machine. More super-cool stuff from one of CNQ's favorite singer-songwriters: