California-based one man powerviolence band XGRIFOX has a new split with Oakland's Choke! The Choke! songs are good hardcore, and XGRIFOX is quickly becoming one of my new favorite rock'n'rollers. XGRIFOX takes rock'n'roll, distills it down to its quintessence, fills up a syringe with it, and then injects it with a dirty needle into your soul, man, for real:
I see XGRIFOX has an even more recent release, a split with a Chilean band called Jack Slater.
The Jack Slater side is good:
And again, there is something elemental about XGRIFOX:
Another longtime CNQ fave, 4:44, has released a lot of material on Bandcamp since last I checked in with him. It's in my queue but I haven't listened to any of it, no doubt to my detriment. Here's a song called "The Golden Age of Late Night," from 4:44's latest Bandcamp release, Songs from Cellar Heaven, and it's quality alt-pop, which I've come to expect from the singer-songwriter from Philidelphia. I need to catch up with the rest of his recent releases: