Critical Threat -- 4 song demo, Arizona oi:
Brand new nutty French powerviolence -- 21 songs, around 20 minutes. One song is called "Our Kids Will Spit On Us," and if that's not a reason for you to check this out, I dunno what you're even doing here. On this planet, I mean:
Three song release from Spanish hc trio Chimpancé:
If it's punk and from the Netherlands, odds are I'll like it. Those folks know how to do it:
Poland's Syf Records, who I've featured a number of times on CNQ, because they're awesome, has another awesome release:
I think I missed this August 2021 release from Omaha's best, BIB:
And finally, shameless self-promotion dept., the Legless Crabs have a new album out on Metal Postcard Records, and between you and me, it kicks ass: