Music for the messes since 2012. Into the obscure, the underground, and the other stuff. Clean Nice Quiet is live on KPISS.FM every Saturday from 5 to 7 PM EST and live on 8K.NZ every Tuesday 10P EST (Wed. 4P NZT). Repeats of the live broadcast on 8K.NZ are every Monday 3AM and Thursday 7P EST (Monday 9P and Fri 1P NZT).
Friday, May 20, 2022
Messing around with live radio
Trying to figure out how to broadcast a live radio program. So far I've figured out how to broadcast my voice, and I can broadcast music, but not at the same time, without labourously switching inputs. There's something basic I'm missing - will keep futzing with it. In the meantime, here's the player for Clean Nice Quiet. I'm about to spin some tunes at this late hour, so if you're not doing anything, tune in. I won't be chattering because see above, but I'll play some songs and experiment with the Mixxx program's crossfader. Click here to listen. I'll also put the embed player permanent up at the top of the blog's desktop page.