ARSE is a three piece from Sydney and their new 5 song EP is called Safe Word. Their November 2017 digital debut, Primitive Species, is great and features one of my favorite tunes of the past few years, NRVSNRG.
While I'm prone to enjoy extremely lo-fi, not-produced demos, the production on Safe Word immediately grabbed me, and didn't let go. Great work all around. $12 plus shipping for the 7" from the ARSE page, and $3 for the digital release on Erste Theke Tontraeger Records, also a CNQ fave.
ETT, a German label, puts out a ton of cool stuff. Worth checking out.
Flesh Narc, from Denton, Texas, have a new 9 song cassette called "Understanding Reality." You can pre-order from the NY label Decoherence Label. My frame of reference for Flesh Narc is "Beefheartian," which translates as, it's bonkers. They're touring right now so go check em out if you see em listed in yr free weekly: