Ya know, Normie, Cavia Porcellus is the, ahh, scientific name for your standard guinea pig. (That's a "Cheers" reference, btw.) Clara has been busy and CNQ has been regrettably lax in keeping up with her output. I'll rectify that by getting something with her generous codeword sale. You should do the same!
Here's something off her most recent, "Looking-Glass Fire," which she released last month. This is wild, check it out. I'm learning to play guitar myself finally and I'd like to eventually be able to do blues and folk stuff. This blows me away:
I engaged Kurt Schitlicher again today on Twitter, and realized this guy, moreso than being a fat cat mouthpiece, is just a failed comedian, a hack insult comic who couldn't cut it in the nightclubs. So he got a gig writing hate-filled propaganda for a Republican nabob, and now panders to the absolute lowest denominator - the gullible, the ignorant, the insane, and the people who wear hats and have jobs, but come on, we know what they are.
After realizing Schitlicher is just a hack, I read him for filth on twitter. I'd never talk to a human like that, but all of my interactions with Schitlicher have revealed him to be not human, but a cartoon caricature that spews hateful rhetoric for a member of the Republican fundamentalist side of the establishment. So I let him have it. He and I both know what he really is, so why mince words? In the end, going back and forth with that dummy got me a couple of new twitter followers, and several extra hits on my little blog here. What did Schitlicher get? Well, he had to cut and paste his gibberish-filled responses to my tweets, and had to read some pretty nasty stuff about his mother. I'll call that: point for CNQ.
So, thanks, Kurt. I sincerely hope you get everything that's coming to you!