Nanaki is Postcode's guitarist Mikie Daugherty, as well as CNQ's favorite instrumental guitar post-art-rock sound from the Isle of Man. Mikie has released his first full-length as Nanaki since 2003:
Also from Small Bear Records and the Isle of Man, the rad Bordellos and another Manx band called Schizo Fun Addict have released, per the Small Bear press release, "a transatlantic collaboration between (these two) cult mentalists." It'll be a split cassette release with all proceeds going to Save the Children. The first song, Schizo Fun Addict's AM Story, is great. Their other song, "Endorphin Portal," is a Rebirth thing I'm not into. The two Bordellos songs are boss. Small Bear Records is giving these tunes away gratis, but encourages y'all to make a small donation to the charity of your choice:
Charity is important. Today I gave a fiver to a woman holding a sign on the side of the feeder road. She told me it would be put to good use. Lady, you can put it to whatever use you want. We wished each other Happy New Year. As Tom Waits sed, "beggin' on the freeway/about as hard as it gets."
Chicago's the Lemons has a new couple of cool surfy, trip-poppy songs out:
Valid until 11:59PM on January 1st, CNQ's favorite Canadian songstress Clara Engel has a code word, "uneasyspirit,", which gets you 15% off any of Clara's albums on bandcamp.
I heart powerviolence it turns out. This from Edinburgh, UK, has some vinyl you can order:
California's Bad Daddies is some swank 5th wave riot grrrl action and they have a split out with a band called Hard Left:
HC from Berlin:
Happy New Year. Hello, 2015!