Music for the messes since 2012. Into the obscure, the underground, and the other stuff. Clean Nice Quiet is live on KPISS.FM every Saturday from 5 to 7 PM EST and live on 8K.NZ every Tuesday 10P EST (Wed. 4P NZT). Repeats of the live broadcast on 8K.NZ are every Monday 3AM and Thursday 7P EST (Monday 9P and Fri 1P NZT).
All the way back in 2012, the first year of CNQ, when my intent for the blog was to solely focus on obscure 45 singles, I shared a track by guitarist and singer/songwriter Adam Holtz called "Party Hardy." The track was a Texas ripper from 1980 and not too long after that, Adam was nice enough to contact me and let me know he was still recording music. Thus began a tradition -- almost a decade now -- of Adam annually sending me the songs he has recorded throughout the year, and me featuring some of them here on the blog.
I'm proud to point out these are CNQ exclusives -- Adam doesn't have a web presence and this is the only place on the Internet you're going to get to hear these tracks. Adam's been busy this year -- two volumes, 46 tracks. A mix of rockers and ballads, plus a neat gospel track (see "Way Up High," below). All in all some of his strongest work yet. Here's a few of my faves from this batch of Holtz recordings from 2019: