Released back in May, Sir Bobby Jukebox's 14 song full length "Friendship Gift" is a gift to fans of danceable indie twee. Pleasant pop ditties with positive messages like "You Are Here," "Matinée Idol," and "Parrot Time" all stand out on first listen, and the album's closer, "World Peace," is a righteous pop anthem. The album does get a little saccharine in some places -- in particular, the two long tracks: the seven and a half minute "You Only Dance" and the nine minute "French Revolution" both had me wondering if I was going to make it throught the track without having to go to the dentist for twee-induced cavities.
So despite some spots that were just a bit too sweet, a listen of the album didn't rot out my teeth, and if bubblegum indie pop is your bag, then you're probably really going to enjoy this. A solid, well produced effort.
The cassette is sold out, but the digital album is available for streaming and purchase on Bandcamp:
CNQ fave This Heel has three new tracks out on Bandcamp, for pay what you will. Every This Heel release is excellent surreal, lo-fi alt-rock. I'm always reminded of GBV, but This Heel is certainly its own thing. I love the found sound on track three of this, "Flowered Skeleton":